Have those days where you get just completely down on yourself? I'm having one of those days. Mainly for reasons that I'd rather not post but also I'm really down on my weight. I am "stuck" and I'm not sure what will help. I'm sure exercise will help, it's just finding the time and the motivation to actually work out. Anyone else have days like this?
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Do you ever...
Posted by Meredith at 2:07 PM 3 comments
Not a whole lot going on...
I don't have a lot going on right now, except that I was SUPER busy last week??? Nothing too exciting. On Tuesday, the afterschool program began (which I am teaching in it). We also had International Night at school, which lasted until 8:30. Tuesday was a super long day. Wednesday after school, I went to a seminar(?) for lack of better term. Thursday was afterschool again. And yesterday I went to visit a friend that just had a baby girl. Nothing too exciting... Well, visiting Lonebutterfly was exciting!
I do have another cake order (thanks to Shaye and Rachel for putting in orders for February). I have a cake order for tomorrow, so I'll definitely be baking later today.
Today's to dos (in case you were wondering), aside from the regular laundry and cleaning... hook up the new 4 in 1 printer/scanner (so excited... watch out for old pics!), make a back up copy of my photos that are online, take some pics for the natural light project, download some cds to itunes, bake, bake and bake AND hopefully do some "Spring Cleaning" and get rid of some junk!
Posted by Meredith at 10:03 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Don't know if you noticed...
To the right, in my link list, is a link for "Cakes and Gifts by Meredith."
After posting pictures of some of the gifts I made for Christmas, I had a few people ask how much I would charge for some of them. So, I combined that with my cake making business (which I'm expanding to cupcakes and cookies) and VIOLA! I have another blog. :) It's a work in progress right now... but stay tuned... I plan to post pictures of my sweet treats, as I make them. (and as I figure out the best layout for the blog, that is...).
Posted by Meredith at 11:13 AM 2 comments
Friday, January 16, 2009
Update on the heat...
We did get our heat fixed... The HV/AC guy that works for Chris's boss came and temporarily fixed it. We do need a new part, but we are warm! :) Praise God!!! :)
Posted by Meredith at 7:02 AM 1 comments
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Did I mention?
That I HATE ... absolutely LOATHE being cold? As I sit here, it's 29 outside and it's 50 something in here. Our heat is not working. BOO... I have my little space heater sitting with me and I just made some hot tea. I have a blanket, a wool sweater and sweat pants on... and I'm cold. My nose and fingers are cold. :P
For Christmas, the one thing that I really kinda wanted that was on my list, I did not get. I was hoping for a Wii and a Wii fit. Chris told me yesterday that he would buy me one if I sold 10 cakes. I can also sell cupcakes, but haven't figured out the pricing on those yet. So, anyone need/want a cake? I do pride myself on being a good baker. I love to bake. My specialty is my grandmother's Caramel Cake. I can do anything, but that's my specialty. One of the assistant principals at my school would say that my specialty is Carrot Cake with Cream Cheese Icing. (which is my personal fave too) I branched out this Christmas and made Carrot Cake cupcakes. I also can make a mean Red Velvet Cake. :) Any takers?
While I'm talking about selling stuff... my cousin asked me how much for the notecards that I made some of my friends... If you're interested, let me know! I'd be happy to sell those too!
On another random topic... tonight is Thursday... and Thursdays just got even better. First, there was Greys. (which... I have to admit... LOVE ERIC DANE! for those of you that watch he's aka McSteamy (Mark Sloane)). Then.. they moved Private Practice to Thursdays (after Greys), which I also enjoy. And tonight... TONIGHT... Bones is moving to Thursdays. And I LOVE Bones! (also have to admit... LOVE DAVID BOREANAZ!). With that said, Bones is on now (TNT).
Posted by Meredith at 5:50 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Random thoughts on a cold day
So, first of all... I HATE cold weather, absolutely loathe it! It makes me want to stay home (in my warm house) and not go anywhere... EVER! And of course, this is the week that the Natural Light group is supposed to take outside shots... hmmm. Okay, with that off of my chest...
Thanks for all the compliments on the hair. I'm enjoying it, though it's a little shorter than I wanted. My stipulation is always that I have to be able to pull it back into a ponytail, which I cannot. I also haven't attempted to wear it "straight" like it is in the picture, so I've been doing the wavy thing.
And, I had all these random thoughts in my head the other day and I didn't have time to blog, so I thought I would save them for today and now I can't remember them. Ever do that? Blog in your head on your way home from work? Or am I just a weirdo?
Chris is working on our guest bathroom, so HOPEFULLY I will have pictures soon! I'm super excited about it.
Anyone else ready for Spring?
Posted by Meredith at 5:39 PM 3 comments
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Saturday, January 3, 2009
As promised...
Here's a picture of the scarf for Zach. I told him it was a little taller than I am... which he replied he liked his scarves "one Meredith length long." However, when I gave it to him today, realized it is taller than he is too (he's 6'3" for those of you that don't know). Hee hee
Posted by Meredith at 5:48 PM 6 comments
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Happy New Year!
You know you're getting old when you're home before midnight on New Year's Eve AND are content being home before midnight! :) Last night, we met friends out for a Japanese steakhouse dinner. Quite delish!
As 2008 came to a close and 2009 begins today, I've been pondering New Years Resolutions. I don't want to make a resolution that I know I will break but here are a few things that I would like to accomplish in 2009.
~Develop healthier habits, including exercising on a regular basis.
~Crochet more and make more gifts.
~Practice Rosetta Stone more so that I can one day speak Spanish fluently, or semi fluently.
~Work on uncluttering house and try harder to put away things instead of laying them wherever.
~Get out of debt!
~Learn more about using the manual parts of my camera and not rely so much on the automatic features.
~Send more birthday cards via mail instead of e-cards (so send me your addresses folks!)
~Try to focus more on positives, rather than negatives. I don't think of myself as a negative person, but I'd still like to work on this and limiting my complaining.
What about you? What would you like to accomplish in 2009?
Posted by Meredith at 2:43 PM 3 comments