Lilypie First Birthday tickers>

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


There's a gigantic spider on our deck. I don't do spiders very well... but took pictures of it to show my friend Patty, at school. So, I thought I would share with you!


Rebecca said...

GROSS!!! Why did you have to do that?!?!? :)

Unknown said...

Ewwwwwww! I'm right there with you!!! We have tons of those black spiders w/yellow and white zippy stripes in our bushes!!! Yuck. They gross me out too!

Meredith said...

Well, it was the excitement of my afternoon. AND it took all the courage I had to zoom in that close. He is gross!

Lone Butterfly said...

OH! I can't wait to get home and show B10 - he is going to be so excited he's going to want me to drive him over to your house so he can see it in person!

I love boys.